Taxation of unlisted shares after they are listed

Taxation of unlisted shares after they are listed

What are unlisted equity shares?

Unlisted equity shares are investments or monetary instruments that are not recorded in the securities exchange. Since the securities exchange is all around managed by the SEBI, and market evaluation and exposures are straightforward, the gamble in financial planning is generally lower. The unlisted space does not offer this simplicity and clarity.

Hence, financial stakeholders need to apply a reasonable level of effort prior to putting resources into this portion.

Unlisted stocks offer different risks and can correspond to somebody who has put resources into listed shares. They can be a decent means to expand the portfolio. Unlisted stocks offer better return potential when compared with listed shares.

A Capital gain on sale of unlisted shares is the growth of a capital investment’s market value and is acknowledged when the investment is sold. Capital increases apply to a variety of resources, including investments and those bought for individual use. The increase might be short-term (one year or less) or long term capital gain on unlisted securities(over one year) and should be asserted on the tax return

Capital gains on Unlisted shares

Unlisted Share isn’t recorded on any publicly traded exchange. Hence, the firm doesn’t pay STT (Securities Transaction Tax) for such offers. The time of holding is two years.

Long-Term Capital gain (LTCG): In the case of a long term capital gain on unlisted shares, a financial investor sells an unlisted stock held for over two years, a gain or loss on such deals is a Capital Gain or Capital Loss.

Short-term Capital gain (STCG): On the off chance that a financial backer sells an unlisted stock held for as long as two years, a gain or loss on the deal is a short-term Capital gain (STCG) or short-term Capital loss (STCL).

How to purchase unlisted shares?

You can put capital into the top unlisted organizations in India by putting funds into new businesses and brokers, purchasing ESOPs(Employee Stock Ownership Plan) straight from representatives or advertisers, or putting funds into PMS(Portfolio Management Systems) and AIF(Alternative Investment Fund) plans that get unlisted investments. The possible risks incorporate illiquidity, capital loss, no profits,  and the risk of diluting earnings.

How to sell unlisted shares?

Public organization representatives and financial stakeholders can sell their organization’s shares through a dealer. To sell privately owned business stock — in light of the fact that it addresses a stake in an organization that isn’t recorded on any trade — the investor should track down a willing purchaser.

The unlisted stocks will have to be transferred with the amounts to the purchaser’s DMAT account. That very day when the transfer is made in the DMAT Record, your funds can be sent through IMPS or NEFT, anything you like. 

Unlisted shares Taxation

The relevance of an unlisted shares capital gains assessment would rely upon whether the unlisted stocks are long-term or short-term.

Essentially, long-term gains emerge assuming the unlisted stocks are held for over two years prior to selling. Long term capital gain tax on unlisted shares is leviable at 20% with the advantage of Indexation. Indexation is the advantage permitted to build the investment costs in order to give the impact of inflation.

Notwithstanding, a holding time of a year is considered for listed securities. listed stocks held for over a year are excluded from up to Rs.1 lakh, and any long-term gains surpassing Rs.1 lakh are taxable at 10%. Additionally, no indexation benefit is accessible on listed securities’ long-term gains. the short-term gain of listed securities is taxable at a level pace of 15%.

Tax on buyback of shares of unlisted company is imposed on the net amount paid by organizations for repurchasing shares in the wake of deducting the net sum got at the time of the original issue of stocks.

Unlisted organizations utilized the buyback course rather than the profit one to appropriate the excess amount and to keep away from taxes. Buyback charge was presented on unlisted organizations in 2013 and reached out to recorded organizations from July 2019.

Both listed and unlisted companies have to pay the tax at 20% plus a surcharge at 12% and health and education cess of 4%, aggregating to 23.30% of the ‘distributed income’.


Unlisted stocks can end up being that unexpected, yet invaluable treasure on the off chance that you can pick the right one. It can give a remarkable rate of return to the shareholders. The main variable which should be considered while picking unlisted stock is the organization’s basics and the broker by means of which you will purchase the shares.